Almost There: Why I Created Almost There

Monday, December 10, 2012

Why I Created Almost There

This morning was not a good morning for me. I woke up to an upsetting email, got stuck in heavy traffic, wrestled with my internet and cable provider, and then had my car die while in said provider's parking lot. Did I mention it was raining? Because it definitely was.

There was a lot of silent contemplation (and weeping) while I sat and waited for the AAA man and then the tow truck.

I thought about my job, the future career I wanted, all the DIY projects I wanted to do for the new place, financial things (at which point I started weeping again), and what Almost There really means to me.

See, I created Almost There because I wasn't where I wanted to be in life. I lived in a tiny apartment that didn't even allow me to unpack all of my things. It drove me nuts! For an entire year I was stuck in that place when all I wanted was my dream house! After sulking for a few months I decided one very important thing--it's okay. Just because I wasn't living in the place of my dreams or making the amount of money I wanted, I could still be happy with what I had. Even though I had a small apartment I could still do some of the things I wanted. I could find DIY projects that I fit the space or alter the ones I wanted for a house. The blog also became a place I could store things that inspired me...things that were beautiful and creative!

After a few posts and the motto of "You're almost there!" I knew I wanted to share Almost There with other people who aren't exactly there yet. Those people who wanted to be inspired, who loved creativity, who liked being positive and happy!

How does all of this apply to my morning's incidents? After I started thinking about how much the blog means to me and what it is I want it to stand for, I realized that my current situation was indeed crappy but in the end everything was okay. Sure the situation sucked but there are definitely people that have it worse off. I had/have blessings to count and that was enough for me to suck it up and get by with a more positive mindset.

I also realized that Almost There, to me, is not only a blog--it's a lifeline constantly reminding me that even if life isn't going as planned I can still be happy.

So, I just want to thank all of you who read and comment on my posts. It makes my heart happy that MAYBE I'm helping inspire others out there to be happy too!

Now, time for me to drink my coffee and appreciate the rest of this rainy day!


  1. Tyler, I'm proud of you, love you and yes, you really are almost there! Can't wait to see all the future things WE ROCK AT!

  2. It takes a lot to take a crappy situation and turn it around like that! I hope everything works out for you. I love your blog!


  3. Great post! Way to look at the bright side :D



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